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Survival Skills 101
Are you prepared for any situation that could come your way? What if you suddenly found yourself locked in your home for an unknown amount of time? What if you were faced with a disaster situation? If you needed to take care of your family with only your own skills and what’s in your home right now could you do it? You would likely need a few important skills.
Hunting and Fishing
One of the first things you should know about to take care of your family is how to get food. Hunting and fishing are two of the most important parts of that. You can survive on MRE’s, but no one is going to want to do it for long. That’s where you need the right gear to head out into the wilderness.
Fishing poles don’t require a lot, so you can even get a nicer one and have it on hand. But when it comes to hunting you don’t want to be reliant on a gun to help you. Sure, you could have one, but also have a knife and a bow and arrows in case you run out of ammo and can’t get anymore.

Tanning Deer Hide
Once you’ve gone through the process of hunting you want to make sure you use every part of the animal and tanning deer hide to use for clothes, blankets or anything else is going to be extremely important. After all, this is a great way to use the hide and even some of the other organs and such from the deer.
Tanning hides is going to take skill and it’s going to take time to master. Check out our article on the steps involved in tanning a deer hide and make sure you have a copy of those steps handy for that emergency situation. Not only that but actually take a little time to practice it while you can, before you find yourself in a situation where you have to.
Grow Your Own Food
Growing your own food means you need to plant a garden. And keep in mind that you want to have a variety of different fruits and vegetable available for your family. Planting a small garden is a good way to supplement what you already have but if possible try to plant a larger garden with a variety of items in it.
When it comes to growing plants make sure you’re looking at things like herbs, fruits and vegetables. And also make sure you’re going to actually work with them. In order to have healthy and well-developed food for your family you need to take care of your garden every day, long before you need it.
Another important step with gardening is to store the produce that you get carefully. Make sure that you are canning items that you can’t use immediately so if that day comes when you need to fend for yourself you have plenty of things to eat even if it’s not growing season right then.
Tying Knots
There are plenty of different types of knots out there that will help you in a survival situation and otherwise. So, make sure you’re teaching yourself how to tie at least the most basic styles of knots. These include the square knot, bowline, sheet bend, double half hitch, clove hitch and taut line. Each will work well for different things.
The square knot is great for tying up something that needs to be kept closed and can even be used for tying on bandages. The bowline is a rescue knot that can be used to pull someone up if necessary, which is essential for saving lives. A sheet bend ties together different types of rope in case you run out of something you need.
The double half hitch is great for tying off to something else like a tree or a post. If you’re trying to tie anything up so it won’t float away or blow away or wander off this is important. The clove hitch is great for setting up a fishing pole as well as lashing just about anything you need together. And finally a taut line will do exactly what it sounds like, pull something tightly.
A noose can also be a good knot because it lets you tie things up and out of reach like your food to keep it away from bears.
Staying Hidden
For purposes of survival, it’s sometimes important to stay hidden from others. And you’ll want to stay hidden from the wildlife that you’re trying to hunt. That’s where ghillie suits come in. You want to make sure you get a suit that’s designed for the type of wilderness that you find yourself in. They’re designed for different outdoor types, after all.
If you get a ghillie suit that’s designed for your area you’ll be able to easily blend into the wilderness around you. If you don’t you’re going to look like you’re playing dress up in camouflage. Make sure you do your research and have a suit that fits you well and that you can comfortably move around in. You’ll need to be able to get around for extended periods in your suit.
Stockpile Everything
You’ll need to have a good stockpile going of things like food and water. Also, have several knives, building supplies, hand tools and hunting supplies. All of this will be essential if something happens and you need to stay safe in your own home. They’ll help you get all of the things that your family needs.
Keep in mind that you may not be able to trust the water supply, or you may not have electricity. You may not be able to walk into the local grocery store to get anything. So, make sure you have at least a year’s supply of everything that you would need if something were to happen.
When it comes to learning new skills, all of these are going to be essential to keeping your family safe and healthy, no matter what comes your way.