How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener

Hand Of An Adult Man Holds A Can Of Canned Food. Closed Tin Can

When it comes to getting things done in the wilderness you need to know how to operate without the use of some of your familiar gadgets. Cans can be a survivalists best friend because canned items keep for a long time. But they require a can opener to open, or do they?

Use a Blade

The first method you can use to remove the top of a can is with a sharp knife. It’s extremely important to be careful with this method as you’re using a sharp blade to pierce through the metal of the can. You’re also going to end up with a rough edge when you’re done. Carefully stab the blade of the knife through the can and then rock it slowly and carefully back and forth to cut through the can.

Use a Heel

We’re not talking about your heel but what’s called the heel of a knife. That’s the part at the base of the blade, where it connects to the handle. You can use the heel as a sort of lever to cut into the inner edge of the can. You will have less danger of cutting yourself but the edge you cut will still be sharp.

Use a Rock

Have you ever actually looked at a can of food? There’s a sort of seal around the edge that keeps it together. If you’re able to remove that seal, which can be done with a rock, you’ll be able to break open the can. Rub the edge against a rock until you start to get some leaking around the outside of the can. From there you should be able to pry or pop the top off.

Use a Spoon

Spoons actually do have a lot of power to them as a lever, as long as you have enough power as well. You need to put the spoon against the side of the can, on the inside edge. By rocking the spoon in this same position you’ll be bale to break through the lid. It will take time, but you can repeat this process all the way around the lid of the can.

Use a Can Opener

Okay, we said you could open your cans without a can opener, but here we’re talking about the kind you have to crank and use for yourself. A manual can opener can cut into the lid easily, but some of them take a bit of extra strength as well (also it’s getting harder to find manual can openers).

Use a Church Key

You may not have heard this term before but you’ve likely seen them. You probably even have one. It’s a type of manual can opener, but it looks like a small piece of metal with a sharp end and possibly a bottle opener on the other side. You can use these to puncture a can and then keep moving your way around to puncture it through.

Use Tin Snips

If you have tin snips it’s going to be easy enough for you to just cut the can open. Just be careful you don’t make a mess in the process.


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