How Long Are MRE’S Good For?

MRE’s or Meals Ready to Eat, are great for those who want to make sure they have food available no matter what might happen with the rest of the world. MRE’s are the type of meals that our military takes with them when they go to hostile environments because they’re quick and easy and still provide the right level of calories to keep you reasonably healthy, no matter what else is going on. But before you start stocking up on them you likely want to know more about just how long they last.

How Long Do MRE’s Last?

The length of time that an MRE will last actually depends on the conditions that it’s stored in. The best thing that you can do is keep your MRE in a space that is considered ‘room temperature.’ That means it should be approximately 75 degrees Fahrenheit and the MRE’s should be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight. If you do that you’ll find that they last for approximately five years, which makes them a relatively shelf-stable food to have around.

If you’re not storing them at this temperature, however, you’ll find that they actually don’t last as long. MRE’s stored above this temperature, at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, will last only about one month. That means if you’re in a hotter climate or you don’t keep them out of the direct sunlight you could find yourself with bad MRE’s when it comes time to eat them. Make sure you’re keeping them out of direct light especially to protect from this.

On the other side of things it is potentially a good idea to keep your MRE’s in a space that’s colder. If you store them below 75 degrees Fahrenheit they can actually last for up to 10 years. That doesn’t necessarily mean putting them in a fridge or freezer, because if something does happen your power could be one of the first things you lose. Instead, store them in a cool, dry, dark section of a basement, crawlspace or garage where you can make sure the temperature is going to stay lower.

Should You Get MRE’s?

Not everyone likes MRE’s because the taste of the food isn’t all that great. But if you’re in an emergency situation the idea of a home-cooked meal isn’t going to be very realistic anyway. Having MRE’s on-hand will make sure that you and your family are safe and that you’re getting the nutrients that you need. You might not like all of the different flavors or the taste in general, as they can be quite different from what you’re used to. But at least your family will have something to eat.

Because all MRE’s need is some water to make them ready to go, they’re a great thing to have in case of an emergency. All you need to do is stock up on enough of them to feed your family for a period of time, but keep in mind how you’re going to store them and what you’ll do with them when they get close to expiration.


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