Home Remedies For Burns


It’s vital to be prepared for any situation, including the unfortunate situation where you end up burning yourself by mistake. While doctors are always the number one recommendation if burns are serious, if it’s a minor burn you can very easily deal with it yourself thanks to some home remedies. Here are a few that should easily do the trick!

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is one of the best and most effective remedies for burns. You can purchase this natural product or extract the gel from aloe leaves. Cool showers in combination with the aloe vera can also help to reduce inflammation.


A burn can also be treated with vinegar. Combine two tablespoons of vinegar and one cup of water. Soak a paper napkin in the mixture and apply it to the burn. This will prevent it from getting too itchy. The vinegar’s acetic acid content is beneficial for healing burns. It will relieve pain and reduce swelling.


Another treatment that you can use to relieve a minor burn is white minty toothpaste. Use cold water to rinse the area and then dry it. Apply the toothpaste to the area. A cotton swab containing vanilla extract can be used. The evaporation of the extract will help alleviate the pain. This is a good home remedy for burns that are not serious and do not require medical treatment.


Honey is believed to be a natural healing agent. A recent study from the New Zealand Medical Journal evaluated eight studies with 624 participants and concluded that honey helped reduce inflammation and infection in patients with first- and second-degree burns. Aside from the honey’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, this treatment also helps to avoid scarring.

Tea Tree Oil

Another quick home remedy for a burn is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic qualities that can be applied directly to the burned area.

Coconut Oil and Olive Oil

You can also apply coconut oil or olive oil directly to the burn.

Frankincense Oil

For slightly more serious burns, frankincense oil can be applied directly to the burn, but you must do this at least two to three times a day.

Got Milk?

Another common home remedy is milk. Milk contains high amounts of zinc and some proteins, which are both helpful in healing burns.

Doctors are Still Important to See

These natural remedies can be effective in treating minor burns, but it is still best to visit a doctor if the wound is severe or complicated. Hopefully, these treatments will help you avoid further problems from forming. It’s best to always prepare yourself for any type of situation, so having any or all of these items in stock is a definite must.