Best Holiday Gifts for Preppers and Survivalists

With the holidays around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about gifts for loved ones. If you are in the market for survival gear, we have a list of 5 top must-have prepping supplies. Keep these in mind for your family and every survivalist on your list.

1. Berkey Water Filters

Water is the first key to survival and the top priority. Without water, the human body can only survive for a few days. An excellent filter can make undrinkable water ready to be consumed within a short period of time. Berkey offers water bottles for filtering fresh water on the go.

Travel-sized, this water filter is handy for camping, hiking, and in case of an emergency. It can be used to filter out contaminants in tap water as well as natural water sources, like ponds or lakes. Only 1.4 pounds when filled, is it lightweight and BPA free.

Berkey Water Bottle Set

In addition, Berkey sells larger filters in seven sizes with an even more powerful filtration system. None of the filters need electricity or special tools to operate, making them perfect for off-the-grid use.

Larger Stainless Steel Berkey Filter

2. First Aid Survival Pack

Prepping is all about being prepared for any situation. A good first aid kit is crucial. This smaller kit comes with all of the necessary supplies and keeps everything visible and organized. With 82 pieces, it includes a tourniquet with high-quality Israeli bandaging.

While we don’t recommend the knife (you can find higher quality elsewhere), it is portable and convenient, especially in cases of evacuation. It’s perfect to keep in your car or camper and the size is ideal for camping, fishing, hiking, and other outdoor activities.

Small First Aid Kit

Large First Aid Kit

If you have a large family, you may consider a more comprehensive kit. This kit comes with all items labeled, allowing you to quickly find what need when every second counts. Water-resistant, durable, and the set comes with 200 pieces. Weighing in at 3.25 pounds, it also includes a first aid book to guide you in unexpected situations. While it is an investment, this kit will last for the long haul.

3. Ferro Rod

When you have no electricity or are facing the great outdoors, you need the means to make a fire. A Ferro rod gives you the ability to create sparks to start a roaring blaze. This rod is durable, easy to use, and comes with a lanyard.

The paracord makes gripping easy and you can use it left or right-handed. It works regardless of weather and altitude and can produce a spark of 3000 degrees. With unpredictable weather patterns, this product is a great way to help keep your family warm, boil water, and cook.

For a luxury gift, this set comes with a Ferro rod, travel mug, coffee soap, candle, and knife. It is pre-packaged and ready to give.

4. Survival Knife Set

Knives are a survival essential. Whether you use them for skinning, cutting rope, or fishing, this set is top-rated. A multiple-piece set, it offers three smaller knives (one butcher knife, a knife with a skinner feature, and a camping knife).

The fishing hook and ribcage spreader make gutting and skinning big game easier. The bone saw is a strong tool for crafting shelters and the axe is sturdy enough for chopping bones and wood.

Well thought out, the set comes with additional features like a cutting board and sharpener. The hard storage case keeps your knives in top condition.

5. Radio

No prepper or survival gift guide would be complete without a radio. Crank radios require no electricity and keep you updated on the weather during any natural disasters. With two LED lights, this radio can be crank-charged, battery-operated, solar-powered, or charged via USB.

It includes two USB cords and ports for phone and device charging. Batteries are included and the carrying case makes travel easy.

For more information on all things prepping, be sure to follow our blog! We release articles regularly with top survival and prepping tips to help you prepare for any situation.


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