Is Prepping Biblical?

Biblical prepping

People of the Christian faith look to the Bible for guidance, assurance and answers in all aspects of their lives, but each Christian is different in their interpretation of the scripture and what they personally take from what they read. Some believe that God will take care of His children on Earth in all situations, so there is no reason for anyone to prepare for a disaster situation. Others believe that while God does look out for those on Earth, it is still important to do one’s part in keeping themselves safe. Preppers of faith tend to believe the latter, and that drives them to hope for the best, trust in God, but prepare for the worst.

Is Prepping a Biblical Concept?

Are there any passages in the Bible that discuss different aspects of preparation? Some people believe so, and they use it as encouragement to take the necessary steps toward prepping for any catastrophic situation. There are a few things mentioned in the Bible that preppers interpret as a supporting reason for doing what they are doing, and among those, the idea of personal protection is perhaps the most prevalent among them.

In our modern age, personal protection might bring to mind the idea of guns, but that is not necessarily your only means. Personal protection is just that—personal. There are many different ways to protect yourself that you can feel comfortable with if guns aren’t your thing, and you can look to the Bible to see what Jesus did in situations that required it.

Jesus and Prepping

Known to be a pacifist, Jesus sometimes did encourage people to not engage in violence, even if it is perpetrated upon you.

“But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” – Matthew 5:39 (KJV)

Still, Jesus was also thought to be reasonable about protection, giving birth to the “a time and place for everything” quote that has been simplified over the years.

Old Testament Prepping Passages

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

“A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up.” – Ecclesiastes 3:3

“A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.” – Ecclesiastes 3:8

Some interpret this to mean that in necessary situations, fighting back may be warranted. In the event of a catastrophe where protection and defense of yourself, your family, and your resources, preppers think that violence could very well be necessitated. It would seem that Jesus did, too.

Residents of the United States who are advocates for concealed carry frequently quote Luke 17:31 as a supporting reason regarding the carrying of a firearm.

“In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.” – Luke 17:31

Overall, with these scripture quotes among many others, it could be said that preparing for an emergency, including the potential need to fight back against others, is indeed Biblical.


  1. Jesus’ parable of the 10 virgins with thier oil lamps teahes the logic and wisdom of preparing for coming events…granted it’s mainly about the “Bride” preparing herself for the “Groom”. The brides are encouraged to obtain oil for thier lamps. The oil can represent so much more than light and heat. Food, clothing, tools and even items of self defense.


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