7 Essential Items for Emergency Prepping and Survival

Whether you are a survivalist, an outdoor enthusiast, or you simply want to be prepared for the worst, there are seven essential items for survival that you will need. The things you need for emergencies should be with you when hiking or camping outdoors, in your vehicle, or within easy reach at home in case disaster strikes.

What follows are the seven essential items for preppers, survivalists, and those who can react properly when the worst occurs.


Water is essential for life. You should have a supply of clean water in your home to be used for drinking and food preparation purposes. It is recommended that you have 10 quarts of water per person in your home.

Plus, you should have methods to purify water as well. Boiling is the simplest but having a reverse osmosis unit and chlorine tablets are also essential for having a clean supply of water.


There are two types of food considered essential items for preppers and survivalists. Food that is packaged as meals which can be stored in the home. And food that can be easily carried and be stored for quite some time, such as protein bars.

You should have both types of food available so you can survive a disaster at home and have food available when you are on the move.


You will need to have something to carry the things you need for emergency purposes. A backpack is the perfect solution as it is lightweight and quite flexible in carrying many essential items for survival.

You should have a “bug-out” backpack that contains the essential items. Plus, other backpacks to carry additional food, clothing, and supplies for your family.

Medical Supplies

A first aid kit is essential as it can treat small injuries before they become big problems. The medical supplies should contain all prescription medications you and your family needs. Plus, items that can treat and disinfect wounds. And items that can stabilize a person who is more seriously injured or ill until help can be found.


A radio allows you to hear vital information that can assist in your survival. You should purchase radios that are powered by a hand-crank, so no batteries are needed.


A proper multitool contains what you need to survive starting with a knife for slicing and defense, pliers for pulling, scissors for cutting, and a myriad of other tools all in one easy to carry device.

Lighter or Fire Starter

Fire can cook your food, keep you protected, and warm your body so you can survive. You should carry more than one method of starting a fire. A fire starter kit uses multiple methods of starting a fire. Plus, having a lighter and box of matches gives you backup options.

The essential items for survival can all be kept in the backpack. This way, the things you need for emergency purposes can be quickly picked up and taken with you. The goal is to reach shelter or safety in 48 to 72 hours. However, you can also prepare your home so you can survive for weeks on end with the proper items.


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