Preparing for an emergency situation means that you need to have all the supplies and gear that you can. And one of the most important supplies that you need is food. Making sure you have enough to get yourself and your family through a major event is crucial and that might mean food for a year or more.
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Make a Plan
The first thing to do is figure out when you can start buying your supplies. If you have the money available to start your purchases immediately then do so. If you can buy everything you’ll need for a year then that’s a great thing to do. But if you don’t have that much money you may want to start out by setting aside a little at a time and slowly stockpiling what you can.
Buy Plenty of Water
Water is something that every member of your household is going to need a lot of when it comes to surviving an emergency and that’s why it’s so important to get a good stockpile ready. You want to make sure that you save at least a gallon’s worth of water per person for each day, which is going to be a whole lot of water. You can also take a look at several different sanitizing products that will help you clean up any other water you may have.
Get Food That Lasts
When you’re ready to start stockpiling your food you’ll also want to take a close look at the right types of food. You need food that you can keep for an extended period and that means things like dehydrated food, dried foods, canned foods and vacuum-packed foods. That’s going to help you keep everything safe for your family. You’ll want healthy foods like cereal, nuts, dried fruit, peanut butter and even trail mix that not only keep but help your family stay full and give you the nutrients you need.
Store Everything Properly
Once you’ve purchased all of that food and water you’re going to want to keep it protected so that it’s ready whenever you need it again. That means making sure you keep all of your supplies in a cool and dry place. That means a basement or crawlspace is the best place, but you also don’t want to actually keep these items refrigerated, which could actually accelerate the decay. On top of that, you don’t want to store everything together. If something happens to some of your food you don’t want the rest of it to be affected.
When it comes to getting all of the food you’re going to need in case of an emergency it can be a little difficult to execute. But if you know what you’re doing and you start out with a strong plan you’re definitely going to be on the right track. All you need to do is prepare with Glenn (me) and pay attention to what you’re storing and just where you’re storing it. From there, you’ll be ready for anything.