4 Things Every Prepper Should Own

Man Built A Campfire In The Woods In Nature. Survive In The Moun

If you’re looking to get started as a prepper or if you already are one but want to make sure you’re prepared, we’re going to take a look at four important items that you should always have in your kit.

Emergency Survival Food

You need food that will be available to your family no matter what happens. That means something that’s shelf stable and doesn’t need cold or refrigeration. It also means something that you can open without electric tools, that you can prepare without electricity and that doesn’t require a lot of ingredients. MRE’s are a common option because they can easily be stored for an extended period of time and they don’t require anything other than water for you to make them.

Water Purification Tablets

You don’t know that clean water is going to be available when there’s an emergency and that means you need a way to clean your own water. Drinking contaminated water is extremely dangerous and could result in serious illness for yourself or your family. If the clean water is no longer available in an emergency situation you need something to help you clean out as much bacteria, dirt and debris as possible. There are plenty of different types of tablets, strips and filters that will help you clean even the dirtiest of water to make sure that it’s safe for your family

Bug Out Bag

A Bug Out Bag is one that you use to carry most of your supplies when there’s an emergency situation. Make sure that you fill this bag with the basic necessities that you need so if you need to get out of your home in a hurry you can grab it and go. This is where you’ll want to store your water purification tablets, your emergency survival food, your knife and any other gear that you might need. You’ll want to have at least a few days’ worth of supplies stored in the bag so you can get from one location to another, which means the bag should be relatively large but easy for you to carry at the same time. Also, each person in your family should have one.


A knife is an important tool because it can be used in so many different ways. If you have canned goods a knife can be used to open them. It can be used to mark your path if you’re traveling through the woods, to cut down branches or sticks for a fire, to protect yourself in case of danger and a whole lot more. Make sure you have a good quality knife that can stand up to use and abuse in many different ways. And you may want to stock up on a few knives or different types for different purposes.

The idea of preparing for anything seems like a good one to anyone. But the most important thing is making sure you have the right tools available. These four are going to be a great start to your gear.


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